Comparative chemical analysis of crude and industrial processes dual purpose kerosene and premium motor spirit products in Niger Delta

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Marian Simon Abu-Madojemu
Abiye Clement Marcus
Oteiva Mokie Frank


For over thirty decades, refineries in Nigeria have been producing below installed capacities hence, the inability to refine enough petrol and kerosene to meet local consumption. Consequently, there has been an increase in the activities of crude refining in the Niger Delta, which culminated in adulteration of the products. This study (362±1.41ppm), Moisture content of CP (165±5ppm) and IP (168±3.54ppm), Gum content compared the chemical properties of crude and industrial processes of Petrol (CP and IP) and Kerosene (CK and IK) with ASTM standards to ascertain their compliance. The Petrol and Kerosene samples of crude and industrial processes were purchased then prepared and analyzed using ASTM. The results obtained for Petrol were: Research Octane Number (RON) of CP (81.73±1.11%) and IP (78.50±0.57%), Sulphur content of CP (236±2ppm and IP CP (5±0.001mg/100ml) and IP (<5 mg/100ml). Those of Kerosene were: RON of CK (65.33±2.52%) and IK (71.80±0.14%), Sulphur content of CK (306.33±1.53ppm) and IK (120±1.41ppm Moisture content of CK (130±5ppm) and IK (120ppm), Gum content of CK (<5mg/100ml) and IK (<5mg/100ml). The findings revealed that RON for crude process kerosene was below ASTM specification as well as RON for crude and Industrial petrol whereas it was within specification for industrial kerosene. Sulphur and moisture content for both crude and industrial process petrol and kerosene were within ASTM specifications. By these findings, the crude petrol and kerosene may not have been refined properly, however, the local refining technology should be upgraded to modular refineries for optimal efficiency.

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How to Cite
Abu-Madojemu, M. S., Marcus, A. C., & Frank, O. M. (2023). Comparative chemical analysis of crude and industrial processes dual purpose kerosene and premium motor spirit products in Niger Delta. Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Journal of Scientific Innovations, 5(2), 139–144. Retrieved from