Electrocardiogram as a diagnostic tool: utilization and benefits in exercise setting

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Monday Sibe Gonsi
Emeka Usman Mong


This paper examines electrocardiogram as a diagnostic tool: utilization and benefits in an exercise setting. An electrocardiogram (ECG) plots the electrical impulses that control the contraction of the human heart muscles which depends on the complex flow of information encoded in electrical signals within the nervous system. The paper succinctly highlights the human body as a volume conductor of electricity, with the arms, the legs functioning as if they are wires connected to the human heart; ECG leads-views to the human heart, nervous stimulation of the human heart as well as ECG and the human heart function; and ECG interpretation of what, to expect during an ECG testing including the importance of ECG to man. Further, this paper highlights common symptoms that frequently require an ECG, and those that require an ECG test. To improve the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular exercise training (CET) and exercise prescription based on type, mode, intensity, frequency, and duration with special consideration were considered. During the process of recovery, patients are advised to slightly increase their heart rate but not more than 20 to 30 beats above rest while the Borg RPE scale (9-11 points) and MHR scale were closely used to monitor signs and symptoms of the exercise intolerance. It is recommended that people who are on the occupation that places great stress on the human heart, as well as people older than age 40, need a baseline electrocardiogram test done before problems develop.

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How to Cite
Gonsi, M. S. ., & Mong, E. U. . (2022). Electrocardiogram as a diagnostic tool: utilization and benefits in exercise setting. Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Journal of Scientific Innovations, 3(2), 84–90. Retrieved from https://fnasjournals.com/index.php/FNAS-JSI/article/view/36